This time you’re warped to the boss of Streets of Rage 2’s stage 3, Zamza. Again, be sure not to use the taser from the previous battle and then zap the hell out of the Bare Knuckle cabinet in the arcade to access the retro fight. Just before jumping down to the second level, you’ll notice there’s an arcade behind you that has an open door to access it on the right side. The second retro fight can be found in the fourth level, called Old Pier. After defeating him be sure to destroy the small sign in the bottom right corner to earn your star move reward. In this first retro level you’ll be facing the stage 1 boss from Streets of Rage 2, the knife wielding Jack. When you’re ready to progress you’ll notice an open door with an arcade cabinet tucked away in the room inside.

Now deal with all the other enemies in the area, but be sure NOT to use the taser or risk losing it. Finish him off and make a note of where the taser drops. Before the cells open, a police officer called Barney will attack you with a taser. The first secret retro stage can be found in the second level, titled Police Precinct, just before reaching the security checkpoint. The key is finding the old-school Bare Knuckle arcade cabinets you’ll often stumble across and giving them a strategic zap from a taser, which will always be found nearby.

There are four bonus retro levels hidden throughout Streets of Rage 4, and they can all be accessed by using the same trick. Well, they’re there, but there’s a trick to finding them, and it’s not as simple filling up your lifetime XP. Knowing that, you’re probably hoping for some retro levels, too. Streets of Rage 4 comes loaded with a ton of retro options out of the gate, including plenty of characters to unlock as you progress.